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Fungal skin infection

Updated on August 19, 2010

Fungal skin infection

Definition of fungal skin infection

Fungal skin infection is produced by fungi. They may be yeast fungus (Candida) that cause candidiasis and mold-like fungi (dermatophytes) that cause ringworm or tinea.

Causes, incidence and risk factors

The body normally hosts a variety of microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) and some of them may multiply rapidly and cause infections. Fungal infections are caused by microscopic yeasts and molds that live on the skin, hair, or nails.

Candidiasis. Skin infection by Candida

It is is especially common in diabetes and pregnancy, as well as in obese and in areas of particular transpiration (skin folds, especially). Oral thrush is a form of candidiasis that affects the lining of the mouth, and it is especially treated with inhaled corticosteroids.

Dermatophytosis (ringworm) of fungal skin infection

It can occur in any area of the skin, but occurs mostly in warm areas of skin. The ringworm is highly contagious and is spread by direct contact and through shoes, socks, towels, showers and pools. Susceptibility to infection is increased in situations of poor hygiene, occlusive footwear, moisture and trauma of the skin or nails.

Clinical symptoms of fungal skin infection

The local cutaneous mycoses cause redness, itching and burning in the affected area and sometimes cracking of the skin. The appearance of the skin is characteristic and will guide the doctor or dermatologist.

Diagnostic of fungal skin infection

The appearance of the skin is characteristic. Dermatologists use the so-called black light to observe the lesions that are suspected dermatophytes.
Examination of the dermal scales potassium hydroxide (KOH) shows the presence of dermatophytes.

Treatment and prevention of fungal skin infection

• Topical or systemic antifungal (miconazole, clotrimazole, ketoconazole, etc.)
• Keeping the skin dry and clean by washing frequently with soap and water.
• Careful drying of the skin, especially in areas of folds.
• Changing socks frequently and avoid closed shoes to keep the foot warm and wet.
• Use clean towels of personal use.
• If you have to use inhaled steroid sprays (asthma, etc), rinse your mouth after inhalations.

Also take a look at shingles symptoms.

Fungal infection

Itching skin

Causes of itching

The itching may be caused by a lot of reasons. Some of the most common causes of itching are:

•    Exposure to or contact with chemicals.
•    Sunburn can cause itching.
•    Certain insect bites can cause infectious diseases such as chicken pox which produces itching.
•    Parasites in the body such as lice cause itching. Itching may be the result of an allergic reaction to certain food, plant or pet.
•    The dryness of the skin is a common cause of itching. This is seen most often in older people and  in prematurely aged skin that is usually dehydrated. Hot baths cause itching.
•    Medication can cause itching as a side effect.
Itching skin can occur during pregnancy due to the tension of the skin especially in the lower abdominal area.
•    Skin diseases such as psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, urticaria, pityriasis rosea can cause itching.

 Remedies for itching

Itching skin due to unmedicated conditions can be treated by home remedies.

•     Take a bath with milk, you can add other combinations such as oatmeal, baking soda, etc.
The milk helps to soothe the itching.
•    Apply aloe vera, cod liver oil, lemon juice, vitamin E, corn oil, hazelnut tea to the affected area.
•    Take burdock, chickweed, goldenseal, plantain, or yellow dock in capsule form.
•    Cornstarch helps relieve itching. It can be sprinkled in bathwater or applied to the body.
•    Rub the area gently with a pumice stone. Then wash it with soap, alcohol, and a thick layer of vaseline on it. This will relieve your itching.
•    Taking a bath with a little essence of peppermint or yellow dock pair relieve itching.
•    Add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to your bath to soothe the skin.
•    Sodium bicarbonate can be used in cold water baths to soothe skin irritation and soothe the itching from prickly heat, bee stings, insect bites and other minor illnesses.
•    Another trusted home remedy is to use a carbolic acid lotion or a baking soda solution and apply on itchy skin.
•    Apply cold compresses to itchy areas, providing relieve.

Diet for itching skin

Diet plays an important role in combating itching. One should increase consumption of vitamin C, vitamin E and zinc.

Tips for itching

•    Avoid scratching or rubbing the itchy areas.  Keep nails short to prevent injury to the skin by scratching.
•     Do not use harsh or heavy clothing such as wool on the itchy areas.
•    Take warm baths.
•    Apply soothing lotions on the skin after bathing.
•    Avoid exposure to heat and moisture.
•    Keep your body and affected areas dry and clean it at all times. Moisture can worsen symptoms.


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